lsolation chamber is equipped with its own negative pressure filtration system to provide maximum protection and operational safety for both the contaminated person or item and the operational team.
1.The chamberlineris made from a special TPU film and strengthened by inserting Aluminum rod along each side of the structure. 2.The "all around"zipper system allows for the chamber to open completely in order for easy operation.
3.The chamber has 10 integrated glove portals on three sides toallow for easy access to the patient and 2 utity portals used for infusions and other medical equipment.
4.Belt system enables the patient to be fastened while in the chamber or the chamber is securely fastened toa stretcher or bed. 5.Isolation chamber is a fully collapsible unit that requires minimal storage space and is ready for use within minutes.
6.The chamber must be used with a folding stretcher or stretcher trolley,which will be easy to move the patient.